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Participation Games 2020
Would you like to run a game?

All games presented at Hammerhead are required to be full or part participation. Do you or your club have a participation game you would like to present at Hammerhead?

All participation games will be entered into a raffle and a chance of winning vouchers to spend with any of the traders at Hammerhead 2020.

Trophies are presented for the following categories

1) Best Visually Appealing Game

2) Best Constructed Game

3) Best Overall Game

The Winners of each category receive a trophy unique to that years show

In addition the Best Overall Winners have their name added to the Hammerhead Shield

How to Book your Participation Game at Hammerhead

If you are interested in presenting a participation game at Hammerhead 2020, please complete the on-line booking form using the link below.

booking form

Hammerhead participation game booking form: Click Here


A look back at the 2019 Participation Games

Many thanks to all the clubs, organisations and individuals who are bringing their participation games along to Hammerhead 2019. There were some 60+ games/activities booked into the main central gaming area of the two halls. You can read the Hammerhead show report here and watch a video of the participation games below:


Participation Games Awards

Trophies were presented for the following categories

1) Best Visually Appealing Game: Blitzkrieg Panzer Battles - Blitzkrieg Miniatures

2) Best Constructed Participation Game: 7TV Apocolypse - Harrogate Wargames Club

3) Overall Best Game: The Assault on Hoth and Evacuation of Echo Base - Dan Hodgson

The Winners of each category received a trophy unique to the 2019 show

In addition the Best Overall Game winner, Dan Hodgson has his name added to the Hammerhead Shield.

© 2010 Hammerhead Open Gaming Show