Public Participation Games
2025 Public Participation Games and Activities

Many thanks to all the clubs, organisations and individuals who are presenting the participation games at Hammerhead 2025. There are some 50+ games booked into the George Stephenson Exhibition Hall. With a good mix of genre and scales, we are sure you'll find a selection of games you would like to play.

A Small Town In Italy - Anschluss Wargames

Batman - Forest Outlaws Gaming Club

Battle Of Horngate- To The Strongest!

Battle Of New Innsmouth - Peterborough Wargames Club

Battle Of The Fords Of Isen - Boondock Sayntes

Bloody Omaha - All Hell Let Loose

Bugs: A Starship Trooper Game -Werelords

Burrows And Badger - COGS    

Cold War Gone Hot! - Harrogate Wargames Club

Crossing The Somme, 1346 - Ecorcheurs - Gripping Beast

Cruel Seas - Wakefield and District Wargamers

Death On The Nile - Tyneside Wargames

Deathship One  - The Scourers

Discworld Witch Racing - Grantham Wargames

Doomed! - COGS

Dragon Perch Wars - Phoenix Gaming

FitzAubrey's Last Hurrah - Lancaster Wargames Society

From The Ashes - Void Scar Miniatures

Gates Of Antares - The Lincoln Shard

Grotesque Gogglebox - Bunny Badger Games

Halloween Medley - Dragon Lodge

Holoworld - COGS

If You Go Down To The Woods Today - Forest Outlaws Gammers

Italian Wars - Hornsea Contemptible

Kings Of War - Phoenix Gaming

League Of Ausburg - Three Shires

Lego Lord Of The Rings - Reveill

Maneouvre Group Moderns - KB Club

Maneouvre Group SciFi - KB Club

Masters Of The Air - Like A Stone Wall Wargames Group

Midgard Heroic Battles - Mogsymakes

Mighty Empires - Blitzkrieg Miniatures

Oscar Mike Vietnam - Rubicon Models

Psycho Glory - The Glory Boys

Quest For The Golden Fleece - Winterpig and Rapier Miniatures

Raid On A Native American Village - Derby Old Associates

Ramesses Versus The Hittites - Peter's Paper Boys

Return Of Shaun Of The Dead - Under The Bunker

Robin Hood Adventure - Big On Strategy

Robot Rebels - Bisanzios

Saga Dark Age - Gripping Beast

Sails Of Glory - Wings of Glory Aerodrome

Sanford Floral Committee Presents Best Kept Village 23 Years Running - Doncaster Wargames Society

Scarface: Fighting For Control Of Chicago - North Oxfordshire Wargames (NOW)

Siege Of Carile Crfy - Forest Outlaws Wargamers

Seagull Has Landed - Doncaster Gentlemen Gamers

Smuggling Can Be Very Profitable - A Very British Civil Forum

Starship Troopers: Bourbon Outpost - Yorkshire Renegades

The Battle Of Langport - 1645 - Wyre Forest Gamers

The Drums In The Deep- The Woman's Auxiliary Balloon Corps

The Harrying Of The Westfold - A Midgard Game - Matt Slade and Friends

The Quick And The Dead- Veterans Wargames Association

Tractor Brigade - Bunny Badger Games

Trench Crusade - The Dented Bascinet HQ

Wings of Glory WW1 - Wings of Glory Aerodrome

World Tar Toon Skirmish - Lincoln Miniature Warfare Society

Zero Hour - David Stone

Participation Games Awards

Trophies are presented for the following categories

1) Best Visually Appealing Game

2) Best Constructed Participation Game

3) Overall Best Game

The Winners of each category receive a trophy unique to that years show

In addition the Best Overall Game winners have their name added to the Hammerhead Shield

The Prize Draw

For each game in which you participate, you will be given a Game Slip. Write your name and contact details on the ticket and take this to the Information Desk where it will to be entered into the Prize Draw box. Please take part in as many games as you desire.

Make sure you have entered your Game slips in the Silver Boxes on the Information desks by 3:00pm ready for the prizes to be drawn at 3:15pm.

Lucky winners will receive our unique Letters of Marque (LOM), each with a monetary value, First Prize £75, Second Prize £50 and Third Prize £25, only exchangeable with a trader at Hammerhead 2025. This is an extra purchase for yourself and an extra sale for our traders. The ticket holder or their named representative must be present for the draw at 3:15pm in order for them to claim their prize.

Please note. We cannot be held responsible if a games does not attend.

For more information contact Sally at

Updated 13.02.25

© 2013 Hammerhead Open Gaming Show